Pedorthic Shoe Modifications
Pedorthic shoe modifications reshape, rebuild or add to a shoe,
either internally or externally, to accommodate and correct a foot problem.
A Pedorthist is trained in the construction of footwear and the use of adjustable materials to make a corrective or accomodative change to a shoe that improves a persons mobility.
Common Pedorthic Modifications

Leg Length Discrepancy
A leg length discrepancy (LLD) can be caused by genetic inheritance, an accident, post hip and knee replacements or some back surgeries. LLD's will affect the alignment of your muscle & skeletal systems and cause discomfort & imbalance of the hips, knees, spine and neck.
A Pedorthist is trained to modify footwear (internally or externally) to correct and accommodate a LLD and help restore correct body alignment and mobility.
No referral is necessary, but when making an appointment we will discuss with you the need, if any, for an accurate x-ray measurement of your LLD before treatment begins.

Medical Conditions
A Charcot foot, amputations, bone protrusions or mis-shapen feet will all affect your balance, stability and body alignment when you are standing or walking. It is essential for everyone to wear good structured footwear but for these type of foot conditions it can be difficult to find something that fits correctly and comfortably.
Pedorthic Modifications in footwear specialise in the structure and use of materials to modify a shoe so it fits comfortably and accommodates a foots individual shape and needs.

A TCI can go in any properly fitting shoe to assist in the fuinction of the foot.

The amputation of toes or part of a foot, will inevitably affect the way the person stands or walks because the whole body depends on the feet as its foundation of stability and balance.
Stewart's 40 years experience as a Pedorthist enables him to treat various amputations with accommodating orthotic supports and modifications to footwear.
A variety of conditions can cause de-stabilisation of the foot ankle including Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral brain injuries, collapsed foot or Clubbed feet.
A Pedorthic Modification of footwear for these types of conditions will help provide foot stabilisation to support the foot and ankle and enable confident and stable mobility.

Birkenstock Modifications
This is a unique technique developed by Stewart, as an experienced Pedorthist, of modifying a Birkenstock sandals to a persons's orthotic needs.
Because Birkenstock are of such high quality, and durability, an orthotic modification can be built in to the sandal allowing the person to get the full support and correction of their orthotic script all year round.
It is fully adjustable and claimable from your health fund.
A Birkenstock sandal can also be adjusted to any shape foot and be modified to accommodate a leg length discrepancy.

Metatarsal Support
Wearing high heels forces the pressure of the body weight forward onto the toes and front of the foot. This abnormal pressure on bones and muscles affects the alignment of knees , hips, and lower back.
Wearing high heels is not advised but if that is your preference then having a dome added under the metatarsals can help offload pressure and can be added under the original shoe lining.
Metatarsal domes can be added to most quality made footwear but is most effective when added to shoes that are the correct width of your feet and toes.