Our Customised Orthotic Therapy

Orthotics are not 'one size fits all'.
We hand-manufacture and customise a variety of devices to treat your individual needs.
What is an Orthotic?
An Orthotic is a device made to position your foot and ankle in it's correct anatomical position. It is worn inside your shoes to help correct, support, and/or accommodate a foot and ankle alignment issue. A customised orthotic will improve your gait, mobility and body posture.
No Referral necessary to see Stewart & they are Health Fund claimable.
Our Methods
Direct Moulded Orthotic

This state of the art system enables your feet and ankles to be adjusted into a corrected and aligned position while you stand on a silicone adaptable base. In this position, your orthotic device is moulded according to your alignment requirements, further customised and made ready for your comfort.
It is effective for many common foot conditions and the semi flexible materials work to encourage muscle and bone usage and strength. They are fully adjustable and can be full or half length to fit in all sensibly shaped shoes.
Cork Based Orthotic

Cork is a natural material with shock absorbing properties. It takes your full body weight but remains supportive over a long period, even years. These orthotics are flexible and will encourage muscle and bone strength with every step.
Cork orthotics are fully adjustable which allows for ongoing changes over a long period. The leather cover helps absorb moisture and more easily shows the wear pressures of foot alignment to be reviewed in the check-ups.

Total Contact Insert (TCI)

Stewart uses this specialist orthotic method to treat or accommodate the more difficult foot conditions such as deformities, severe arthritis, amputations, diabetic ulceration, or aged and sensitive feet.
The materials of a TCI surround the foot and ankle in its particular shape and is further customised to correct and encourage improved function and increase, support, cushioning, and protection against hard, flat ground surfaces.
They fit into quality shaped shoes but Pedorthic modifications can also be made to any well structured shoe to help accommodate a TCI. See Pedorthic Shoe Modifications